News and Upcoming Events


Florence Area Community Coalition

PO Box 1161. Florence, OR 97439 ~ Website: ~ Email:

General Coalition Meeting

Location: Bromley Room, Siuslaw Public Library, 1406 9th St., Florence and Zoom


MARCH 5, 2025 10:45 AM to 12 PM


1.       Call to order. 10:45. Welcome. Members and guests are asked to sign in to enable the coalition to maintain accurate minutes.

2.        Featured speakers and program. Kayla Watford, known to many in the area through previous work with United Way and its Live Healthy Lane program, now works for Lane County Public Health where she interfaces with Trillium and PacificSource, Lane County’s two Coordination of Care Organizations (Oregon Health Plan or “Medicaid”), include managing the Rural Advisory Committee or “RAC.” Kayla and current RAC members will expand on the committee’s role in helping guide community health efforts, supporting policies that make sure people are treated fairly, and sharing recommendations with Lane County’s Community Advisory Council, which reports to Trillium Community Health plan and Lane Community Health Council (the governing body for PacificSource Solutions Lane CCO).

This program will be of particular interest to those who live or work or both in rural Lane, Linn, or Douglas Counties (a requirement for committee membership) and would like to share their advice about how to make healthcare better for rural community members. All your questions about the quarterly meetings and the supports available to RAC members to enable them to participate can be answered.

Those not interested in joining RAC will also find this program, and the people sharing their knowledge and experience of what is being done for rural community health, of great value. The expertise, commitment, and breadth of knowledge are impressive and will enrich your understanding of rural health.

3.        General Meeting.

a.       Approval of February General Meeting minutes

b.       Treasurer’s Report

c.       Annual FACC Volunteer Celebration Event, April 23, 1-3 at the Florence Event Center

                                                               i.      Theme, discussion, and call for volunteers for event planning and execution

                                                             ii.      Questions

d.       Program speakers for future meetings

e.       Roundtable Announcements from attendees

f.        Adjourn by noon.


FACC meetings are free and open to the public. Light refreshments are served. FACC is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) membership organization that has been working to help Western Lane communities and people for over 25 years. Its mission is to improve the quality of life in Western Lane County through partnerships, networking, volunteerism, community involvement, education and awareness. Annual dues are $50 for agencies and organizations and $25 for individuals. For more information, see, or contact the FACC at FACC’s mailing address is PO Box 1161, Florence, OR 97439.

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  As always, we look forward to the opportunity to build our networks and share our organizations' updates. See you then!
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