February 5, 2025 10:45 – 12:00 PM
(in person and Zoom)
Program. Lane Council of Government’s (LCOG) Senior and Disability Services will be FACC’s featured program at the upcoming February 5 meeting. Melisa Andrion, its Community Outreach & Volunteer Coordinator, will be here to offer good information about its varied services and programs, many of which are not income dependent.
Senior and Disability Services is the designated “Area Agency on Aging” (AAA) for Lane County, Oregon. As a designated AAA, their role is to coordinate and offer services that help older adults and people with disabilities live independently in their own homes or the community setting of their choice.
Among the programs Senior and Disability Services offers are the Oregon Health Plan, the Senior Meals Program, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and Long-Term Care.
After the program and following a short business meeting, those attending in person and on ZOOM will have an opportunity to share their upcoming news and events.
The February 5th meeting starts at 10:45am in the Bromley Room of the Siuslaw Public Library District, 1460 9th Street in Florence. Attendance is also available via Zoom.
The meeting link you receive with this announcement will work for future meetings as well. We will continue to include a Zoom link in monthly reminders and notices but this link should be good going forward.
FACC. The past few years have involved much change and many new opportunities for expanded social service and community organizations. FACC meetings are a good opportunity to learn about and meet some of the new faces and groups working to make life in the Western Lane area better. Wednesday the 5th of February is also a day when Lane County Public Health's mobile unit will be in the Siuslaw Public Library's parking lot (the first and third Wednesdays of the month). WIC appointments occupy much of their capacity but they also offer a variety of health-related services and information and welcome people stopping to learn more about then and what they have to offer.
FACC meetings are free and open to the public. Light refreshments are served. FACC is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) membership organization that has been working to help Western Lane communities and people for over 25 years. Its mission is to improve the quality of life in Western Lane County through partnerships, networking, volunteerism, community involvement, education and awareness. Annual dues are $50 for agencies and organizations and $25 for individuals. For more information, see http://www.florenceareacc.org, or contact the FACC at florenceareacc@gmail.com. FACC’s mailing address is PO Box 1161, Florence, OR 97439.