After a summer hiatus, the September 4th monthly meeting of the Florence Area Community Coalition (FACC) will kick off with a program featuring Western Lane Crisis Response (WLCR). WLCR is a crisis intervention and community support program that operates under the Western Lane Fire & EMS Authority.
FACC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that has served Western Lane County for decades bringing together organizations, groups, government agencies and individuals who provide services in our region. It is a membership organization whose new fiscal and membership year began in July 1. Please become a coalition member by renewing or beginning your 2024-2025 membership and help us continue to serve as a hub for Western Lane information, resources, and connections. We are stronger together.
We have prepared a short survey to help us better serve you. If you would like a paper copy, please send an email request to
We are preparing a short survey and will be sending it out soon.
The FACC website is can find our membership forms there. The annual cost is $50 for organizations and $25 for individuals. The public is welcome to attend all our meetings.
The June 26, 2024, special FACC Annual Meeting did not have enough members attending to obtain a quorum to elect directors and officers for our 2024-2025 fiscal year so those actions will be on the September 4, 2024 agenda following WLCR’s presentation.
Western Lane Crisis Response’s dedicated team is committed to assisting individuals with mental health challenges, alcohol and drug addiction, and those experiencing suicidal ideation, homelessness, and other emotional and physical trauma. They are there to offer support during structural fires and natural disasters. They specialize in crisis de-escalation, conducting risk assessments, and developing safety plans. They assist with youth and teen resources and food resources and with accessing other vital resources like counseling, social services, case management, and inpatient treatment.
The WLCR team are committed to preventing anyone from being left without ongoing assistance, creating a safety net that extends beyond immediate crisis intervention.
Come to the FACC meeting on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, at 10:45 in the Bromley Room of the Siuslaw Public Library to hear more about and talk with WLCR team members powering this remarkable community resource. Or participate in our hybrid meeting online with ZOOM. The meeting will conclude by noon with a roundtable of attending groups sharing their announcements and upcoming events. We hope to see you there.